Maria Åkerberg Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil 30 ml

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Maria Åkerberg Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil 30 ml
Maria Åkerberg Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil 30 ml
Maria Åkerberg Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil 30 ml.
Product code
30 ml
Delivery time from
1-3 days
Delivery costs from
13,00 €

Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil is an all-round product for the whole family. It moisturises, softens, balances and protects the skin, for example against the cold. Suits all skin types.

The particular composition of fatty acids in the oil makes it easily absorbed into the skin and increases the skin's protective barrier.

Our Jojoba Oil is light in texture and of a unique quality. It is produced by gently cold pressing the seeds from the Jojoba bush. This oil is very sustainable, preservatives are not needed.

The bottle is equipped with a hygienic drip dispenser.

The product contains natural self preservatives.


Free from essential oils

Daily skincare:
Apply Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil on its own or under any of the facial creams in our
product line. The consistency of the oil is relatively thin and is quickly absorbed by the skin without smudging.

Dry skin:
If your skin is really dry and absorbs the oil quickly, it is important to keep replenishing the skin. By reapplying oil to the dry skin, it will improve its ability to regenerate. As soon as the skin is in balance, the oil will be very economical.

Dry hair:
Use Coldpressed Jojoba Oil as a hair treatment. If your hair is very dry, apply oil to the ends after washing.

Makeup remover:
Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil oil on a moist cotton round easily removes all makeup, even waterproof mascara.

Problem skin:
Jojoba Oil has a balancing effect on all skin types.

Dry hands:
Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil works as a water-proof hand cream, protecting the hands for several hours against dehydration caused by repeated exposure to water.

Baby care:
Pour a few drops into the bath. This oil has a lighter consistency than Baby Oil.

Sore nipples:
Since Jojoba Oil is tasteless and harmless if ingested (as opposed to products containing mineral oils), it does not need to be washed off before breastfeeding.

Candida (yeast infection):
Apply the oil at least twice a day. Keep treating the area at least one day after
the symptoms have disappeared.

Jojoba Oil is antibacterial and helps prevent red spots.

Dry eczema: Jojoba Oil improves the skin’s protective barrier and resilience.

If you have atopic eczema, rosacea or any skin disease, or any other condition, talk to your dermatologist about the suitability of the products for your skin.

Jos sinulla on atooppinen ekseema, rosacea tai jokin ihosairaus, tai muu sairaus, keskustele ihotautilääkärin kanssa tuotteiden sopivuudesta ihollesi.

Väittämät sivustolla eivät ole ruokaviraston tarkistamia eivätkä tuotteet ole tarkoitettu minkään sairauden diagnosointiin, hoitoon, parantamiseen tai estämiseen.

Jos kortinhaltija käyttää reseptilääkkeitä, tai jos kortinhaltijalla on jokin sairaus, kortinhaltijan tulee konsultoida lääkäriään tuotteiden sopivuudesta.

Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil

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